Everything has a beginning...
In this year, the cheese dairy in Kofeld is founded as a coooperative society from 25 farmers near to the small village Kofeld in the Allgäu region. The first soft cheeses are produced from master cheese maker Alfons Geiselmann, the grandfather from Martin Bauhofer.
From the cooperative society to the own company
After two years of foundation already, the production manager Alfons Geiselmann receives the confidence of alle members and takes the company over.
Now more then ever...
As a result of the early death from her husband Alfons, the 29 year young wife Wilhelmine Geiselmann takes over the cheese dairy and sustains the big crisis through the hyperinflation, that affects the whole world.
Everything under a single roof
Wilhelime marries Magnus Forstenhäusler, the whole family is on the photo in front of their home, which is cheese dairy simultaneous.

The Second World War...
The milk collection truck, that is on the picture, is requisitioned during the war from the military. To ensure the daily collection of milk from the farmers, rented horse and ox teams have to do the job.

The company is growing...
Meanwhile the amount of farmers has grown from 15 to 88 and daily amount of milk is more than 2.000 liters. This growth in post-war period can be overcome with huge and tireless commitment only.
Changeover to Allgäuer Emmentaler
Martin Bauhofer Senior, the father of the present owner, also ensures the development of the cheese dairy. With him, it is possible to change to production 100 % to hard cheese. This year, the first Allgäuer Emmentaler from Bauhofer is produced.
The 1st Organic-Hard Cheese of Germany
In this year, der first hard cheese in organic quality ever is produced in Germany. This milestone follows a trend for organic products, that is still going on in the world today.

The third generation takes over
With Martin Bauhofer, the third generation takes over the traditional company, already. With this event, it is ensured, that the required activities takes place for a long-term perspective.

Automation as a key of success
For the first time, an automatic production line for grated cheese is implemented. With this new line, it is possible to produce fine grated cheese, cheese cubes and cheese sticks from our Bauhofer Emmentaler.